Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Guess I'm all grown up

The only memory I have of ever wanting to "be something" when I grew up was that of wanting to be a journalist. I have my first interview for tonight and tomorrow night and I guess that makes me grown up. I am nervous in an exhilarated manner. I got some tips from the professional Vydra this morning, Thanks V! I will be interviewing the band Rotary Downs tonight at rehearsal and tomorrow night at Tipitina's. I may even get to interview Clint Maedgen as well since he is also performing tomorrow night at Tipitina's. I gave up on that childhood dream and followed many different paths leading me right back where I started. Ironic or destiny? Either way, wish me luck.

Rotary Downs on Offbeats Best List

Top Ten unsigned Bands">Current TV video

Complicated Life *Clint Maedgen

Liquidrone- I got a Harley and a mail Order Bride
starring Ronnie Numbahs

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