Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 7 // Daily Dose(s) of Crime From The Big Easy

Not so fat Tuesday. A guy is shot while riding his bicycle on the corner of Race and Constance where I RIDE MY BICYCLE for work, coffee, on my way to the Quarter...and then later in the evening 2 blocks away from my house
Police arrested three men Tuesday afternoon after chasing them through Irish Channel and Uptown neighborhoods where they crashed their car and one pointed a gun at a police lieutenant, drawing the officer's fire, police said. What good is foot patrol on Magazine when the shooting an illegal activity is done 2 or 3 blocks over towards the river in the Lower Garden District and Irish Channel? The madness will end when it is no longer accepted! When Police walk the beat of the streets that need attention. Magazine gets enough attention and is less likely to host a drive-by...although as I am writing this and discussing it with a friend, I am now being told that 2 stores on Magazine were robed...and that's enough. I am going to stand ground outside on the steps, show my presence say hey to my neighbors and watch the sunset..I am going to have some porch times/stoop times and that is how I will effect change.

Wave of violence brings five deaths in two-day period
by Ramon Antonio Vargas, The Times-Picayune
Tuesday October 07, 2008, 9:35 AM

Police chase through Irish Channel, Uptown results in three arrests
by The Times-Picayune
Tuesday October 07, 2008, 10:38 PM

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