Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Social Entrepreneurs of New Orleans

As stolen from Humid Haney's blog:


SENO's mission is to support the people with the ideas and the ventures that will tackle and solve the most pressing social problems in New Orleans.


Now is the time. Just as Silicon Valley is known for technological innovation and Berlin for design, New Orleans is rapidly becoming known as the hotbed of social entrepreneurship. We believe in harnessing the power of local diversity and the new participatory mentality to launch the problem-solver into action. Since Katrina, New Orleans has seen an unbelievable surge in citizen activism, and SENO is poised to capitalize and nurture this creative energy. Our belief is that individuals and communities who are resilient and ready to take action on the problems around them lead to significantly improved communities and can end the social problems that exist. Our solution is to empower individuals and communities through social entrepreneurship.

What is a social entrepreneur?

We realize that definitions abound as to what a social entrepreneur is; intentionally, we are keeping our definition broad. A social entrepreneur is someone who has identified a social challenge and has stepped up to find innovative, immediate, small-scale and large-scale solutions that produce sweeping and long-term change. We understand that social entrepreneurs are not only crucial to New Orleans' redevelopment but are also unique members of the professional community. They are driven to produce social impact while employing a selfless, entrepreneurial intelligence and innovative drive.
You can check out their site
And see for yourself.

Ok, so I feel like such an idiot. SENO, known only to me before as a project my boss has been working on through the web development and design branch of one of his companies, the studio formerly known as Whence.
Now known as CANARY.
I've seen the all caps in many areas of our shared interwebs but since it didn't involve me, I never bothered to look at what SENO stood for. Now that I see it I am even more amazed at the endeavors taken on by the guy who continues to blow my mind with his ideas.
I told him once that he was a human computer with feelings.
A human computer with a cause & feelings.

I mean it just makes sense. I have been under the magnetic pull of New Orleans for 8 years now. I have always felt that there were more people here who did ACTUALLY mean what they say and said what they mean. Oh, there are the "select" others born and bred under the philosophies of our politically correct corruption. But we are seeing a mobilization of those who would say what they mean and do what they say. An honest people working for the greater good of community and society drawing on the cultures and "neighborly" energies to effect change in their surroundings.
And I am one of those people.
And I work for an awesome Humid Being!

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